If I could go Back

If I could go back in time..

I’ve been thinking about all the mistakes I’ve made and all the ones I’m going to make.

And there is one thing that has become blatantly obvious: it’s the small things.

I would change only small things-

  • Listen to your mom for the love of everything HOLY! She’s the only one who has your back.
  • Stop fighting with your sister. She is also one of the 3 people who truly has your best interests in mind.
  • Hold on to that knowledge of coding from making your MySpace page fly. You can literally make bank knowing this stuff at a young age.
  • Don’t start smoking. (No, seriously. Don’t. )
  • Enjoy your summers, after high school they are gone and you will realize how magical they really were.
  • You don’t have to kill yourself at work at 16 yrs old. It’s ok to borrow money from Mom.
  • Stop taking life so dang seriously
  • Not one drop of your self worth is dependent upon someone else!!
  • And finally- say yes ma’am/sir and I love you and I’m sorry. These things are important

Notice how I haven’t listed a single life changing event? I realized that I needed those to become who I am. Even though many of them were ugly, heart breaking, soul shattering events. I wouldn’t change any of them. Not one.

I’m proud of who I have become. And I firmly believe you have to be knocked on your ass to appreciate the dirt under your nails and the shiny thing(s) you accomplished.

It took those rock bottoms to truly accept that God is my rock at the bottom. And it took those rock bottoms to mold me into the hurricane of a woman I am today.

I regret none of them.

You shouldn’t either.

Love to you all!! Be kind always! – Chelsee

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